Many people worldwide are not aware that they rely on all of their senses, and it can be challenging for those who have lost any of them. Imagine experiencing the world from the perspective of someone who has lost their hearing, for instance. What if they couldn't hear the fire alarm? For the second part of our project, we aimed to create a solution that would make life easier for people who have lost their hearing. We wanted to develop a device that would alert them to an alarm going off without them needing to rely on their hearing. With this goal in mind, we conducted extensive research to determine the most effective approach for our intended users. We ultimately decided to design a bracelet that would provide a visual, auditory, and haptic (vibration) response when an alarm sounds. After a considerable amount of trial and error, we successfully created a product that stimulates a user's senses in multiple ways.
Our bracelet is designed to give users the freedom to move around their home without worrying about missing an important alarm. Whether you are hard of hearing or live alone and fear missing something, our bracelet is meant to keep you safe. The ideal product will have a light, sound, and vibration go off when an alarm such as the doorbell or fire alarm goes off. However, our prototype faced many technical difficulties, and we were unable to achieve this goal. Instead, our prototype was able to produce a sound with a light vibration when something was within a certain distance. Although we were not able to get the light to connect with the sensor, the product still worked well, and we are excited to develop it further.
Design Process
Once we finalized the plan, we started the process of researching the necessary codes and products for our prototype. Our prototype included an Arduino Uno, a breadboard, an LED light, wires, resistors, a sensor, and a sound machine. We found and modified some online code to create a functional prototype of our idea. Using all of these aspects we put them all together to create a prototype that produced a noise and vibration when something is withing 50 cm of the sensor. Even though the product wasn’t fully developed we have plans for the future of the product.
During the prototyping stage, we encountered challenges in finding the appropriate code and comprehending how it worked. As soon as we got one component to function, another would cease working. Ultimately, we were unable to fully integrate the light, sensor, and noise machine, and we still have some work to do on this aspect. Despite this, we were satisfied with our achievement, as we developed a gadget that alerts users when an object is in front of the sensor.
Video Demonstration
In conclusion, despite not reaching our initial goals, we were proud of the progress we made together. Developing the sensor allowed me to gain valuable experience in creating interactive designs with the Arduino Uno. Working with this technology was a new and enjoyable challenge for me. If we decide to continue developing the product, we plan to create an interactive app that allows users to connect their devices, such as their fire alarm and doorbell, to the customized bracelet. The bracelet will give users the ability to personalize the light, sensor, sound, and vibration settings, enabling them to customize their experience. Users can adjust the sensitivity and notifications of different alarms based on their preferences. Overall, we were proud of the prototype we created and are excited to see how this product can be further developed to improve the lives of its users.